Massage Therapy with Ricardo Ochoa

Davide tiso, CMT
LIcenced Massage Therapist

Phone: 510-932-4881

Repair with Davide

Davide is a certified massage therapist with intensive training in Neuromuscular and Trigger Point Therapy. His practice incorporates myofascial release which is the pulling of connective tissue in order to stretch the muscular tissue back to its desired length. Davide provides intuitive skills in solving musculature disfunction and its referred pain.

Neuromuscular Therapy

-  Limited mobility  

-  Chronic pain issues 

-  Headaches  

-  Fibromyalgia 

-  TMJ 

-  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

-  Shoulder and neck pain 

-  Low back pain 

-  Most unidentified pain problems in musculature  


  • 60-minute Massage $140

  • 90-minute Massage $210

Neuromuscular Therapy is an advanced deep tissue treatment that may be painful at times, so it’s recommended that new clients start with a 60 minute session.

About davide tiso

The best way to write about myself is to share what I'm passionate about: I'd say that the concept of "searching" has been my life motto thus far.

I started writing and releasing experimental music from a very young age. In my albums I always tried my best to push boundaries, constantly looking for road less travelled and new doors to open.

Massage came into my life with the idea of facilitating healing, not relaxing. Helping myself in first place: my hands, my forearms. Thirty years of playing guitars left marks on me, scars in muscles and tendons holding not just pain in them but also memories. Soon after I became obsessed with the idea of honoring that pain letting it free.

Once I became a student at the National Holistic Institute I I got exposed to dozens of different massage modalities and the old mindset to keep looking for new doors to open stuck with me once again. Eventually a solid path opened up for me: Therapeutic Massage. 

While taking the core program at NHI, I was parallely trained by Jared Hoffman LMT in Neuromuscular and Trigger Point Therapy.

Feel free to write me an email to discuss our work together prior booking: I'm excited to hear about you.